Fair Lawn, NJ


Fair Lawn is home to several different neighborhoods that offer many amenities for families and individuals alike. With three shopping districts along Broadway, River Road and Fair Lawn Avenue, along with two train stations that run to New York City, Fair Lawn meets many suburban needs. 

Fair Lawn is also home to many historic sites such as the Native American Fishing Weir, the Garreston Forge and Farm Restoration, the Naugle House, and the 
Dutch House Tavern. 

Also, don't miss the historic Radburn section of Fair Lawn. Radburn, a planned community, was created in 1929. The concept was to create a community that provided open space, community service and economic viability. The homes located within the Radburn section have access to several secluded and expansive parks, two community pools and many community events. 

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Fair Lawn Demographics

Population: 33,191

Median Family income: 103,531

Public elementary / middle schools in Fair Lawn: 9

Fair Lawn Town Website: CLICK HERE

Fair Lawn Listing Stats

Lowest price: $1,300

Highest price: $1,095,000

Average price: $326,691

Number of listings: 27